We are five sisters from Northern California. We grew up in a Catholic, homeschooled family of eleven kids (yes, we have 5 brothers and another sister!) in a small town with zero connections to the music industry. Our mom, a classical pianist, taught us to sing and play the piano when we were really young.
We started our band in 2007 when we were teenagers and preteens. We played small shows around our town outside of Sacramento- harvest festivals, church events, coffee shops. Our biggest gig was the California State Fair!
Our dream was always to move down to Los Angeles and get a record deal. In 2009, we uploaded a video of us singing Party in The USA to our YouTube channel. It blew up and ended up getting millions of views! From there, we kept uploading new covers every week.
We were discovered by a major record label (Island Records UK, which is part of Universal Music Group) and signed with them in 2010. We moved to Los Angeles and basically felt like our dreams came true! We spent 5 years in L.A. chasing that dream, writing songs with some of the biggest names, going to red carpet events and premieres, and doing professional photo shoots and big budget music videos. At first it seemed like our dreams had come true, but by the end of those five years we found ourselves exhausted and depressed. We felt empty. We were pretty much on the verge of quitting music.
In 2015 we decided to leave our record label and move to Nashville and become independent artists. It was around this time that we also discovered that we wanted our music to have depth and a strong message. This was inspired by the thousands of messages we were receiving from our fans about their personal lives, heartache and hardships. We released several songs about family struggles, self-worth, anti-suicide and positive body image. As we saw our fans react very strongly to the messages, it ignited a fire in us to spread even more messages that would create a positive influence in people’s lives.
Since we moved to Nashville in 2015, we have written and released 5 albums and many EPs, toured all over Europe, South America and the US, and even written a book!
We are now young women in our 20s and we run everything ourselves. It’s a business as well as an art, and we are still learning what works best with our very different personalities, shortcomings and unique gifts. We are most passionate about sharing our message of hope, connection and celebrating and embracing who God called us to be. Our Catholic Faith is extremely important to us and is the driving force behind everything we do.
These days you can find us creating music and videos for our YouTube channel and Spotify/iTunes, touring, making podcast episodes for The Cimorelli Podcast, designing new merch for our store, and creating whatever else our minds dream up!

Hey I’m Christina I’m the oldest of us 6 sisters! Contrary to popular belief, I’m not the oldest in the family. I have one older brother! I am intense, passionate and very driven! I love to work hard and play hard for lack of a better term haha. But the older I get, the more I’m realizing that I enjoy the things I enjoyed as a kid the most as far as having fun goes. I’m a very energetic person and my energy is one of the most common things people point out about me. I believe I’m so energetic because I am dedicated to sleeping 9+ hours a night and I put myself to bed at 9pm most nights. Classic grandma. I know. I own the title and wear it proudly. I absolutely love writing songs, recording and writing harmonies, strategizing on the business and creative side of things, reading, teaching anyone anything I know, leading, cooking, and I love kids! I can be intimidating and blunt but underneath I just care about positively impacting everyone and sometimes my passion gets the best of me. Something I aim for in life is to never lose my energy, child-like spirit for fun, and love of a good challenge.​
Instagram- @christinacimorelli
Twitter- @christinacim
Hey! I’m Katherine, but that’s a relative term. My sisters, friends, and a lot of the Cim Fam call me Kath. Also, for some reason, pretty much anyone over the age of 60 calls me Kate, Katie or Kathleen. Even though I don’t go by any of those, I don’t really mind it. But really, I prefer Katherine or Kath.
I’m the second oldest in the band. I’m known for being soft, sappy and sensitive, and I also have a very bizarre, goofy side that especially comes out when I’m sick or tired (loss of inhibitions.) I love to write poetry, read books, bake treats for people, host dinner parties, go on long walks, and have deep talks with my friends. My passions in life- people, music, and art, and especially above all else, God. I am a proud Catholic and love my faith. My dream is to be a successful author! I have always loved writing and I want to publish my poetry as well as stories about life and the things I’ve learned. I love playing the bass and singing in the band, and I especially love meeting the Cim Fam on tour and traveling to new places in the world!
Instagram- @katherinecimorelli
Twitter- @kathcim

My name is Lisa, I’m 27 and I like to skate. Just kidding. Well I do like to ice skate so actually half kidding. My favorite color is either rainbow or leopard print. Also pink. When I’m not editing videos or recording music, I like doing puzzles, coloring celebrity mugshots with an assortment of festive pencils, spending time with my friends and loved ones, organizing my closet and doing my nails. Catch me on Instagram posting about my mustache and hairy legs. Okay that’s all :)
Instagram- @lisacimorelli
Twitter- @lisacim
Hi I am Amy <3 I am the fifth oldest child in our family and the fourth oldest sister! I am super loud, very talkative, and very small OMG ( I am 4'10.) I like to paint, write, sing, dance, play guitar, and talk on the phone all the time. I love to be around people and I am the queen of smalll talk. I love the color yellow and I am now discovering how much I love dogs. I am pretty blunt and can't hide my emotions no matter how hard I try. I tend to stress about the smallest things and have a lot of crises. I am a homebody and need to get out more omg. My one of my biggest goals is to get married, adopt many children, and live on a farm with a bunch of animals.
Instagram- @amycimxo
Twitter- @amycim

Hi baddies my name is Lauren!
Definitely an introvert. I speak with my facial expressions more than I do with my words. I love art in every form; Music, painting, drawing, interior design, everything. I’m kind of like an onion. I got a lot of layers to me, but once you peel them all back, you got yourself some great flavor. I move very slowly and my biggest pet peeve is feeling like I have to rush anything. Some people call me a savage but I just tell it like it is. Check out my pics and vids and you’ll catch a vibe.
Instagram- @laurencim
Twitter- @laurencimorelli